
Successful fundraising events allow us to fund our scholarships, our youth program awards, donations to child abuse prevention programs and respond to requests for assistance from other community organizations. Listed below are a few of the events.

Fight Night
– Since 1989 our Club has operated the “Charity Fight Night” as our major Scholarships Fund-Raising event. It is a distinctive charity amateur boxing tournament, sanctioned by the New England and National Boxing Commissions, and coordinated in partnership with the Lawrence Boxing Club. It consists of a full course dinner, ten amateur bouts, raffles, and silent auctions. To be successful it requires an extreme amount of work, and it is expected that our membership is prepared to participate to the best of their ability.

Prevention of Child Abuse – is the National Project of the National Exchange Club and local Exchange clubs across the country. Due to the efforts of some of our members, we are fortunate to have the Michael B. Christensen Child Abuse Prevention Center in Lawrence, which is named for a former member and Past President of our club. This center serves scores of families from Lowell to Newburyport, and Salem, NH. With the assistance of the other Exchange clubs in the Merrimack Valley, we help fund the Center sponsoring an annual golf tournament which raises approximately $20,000.00 each year.

Cigar Nights – have been a significant source of revenue for several years, including excellent full-course Dinners, liquor tastings, raffles and silent auctions, and several top-quality cigars from our associated Cigar Afficianados. Every effort is made to assure lots of winners of something, always including some very interesting gifts or tickets. Usually we watch a key sporting event on a jumbo TV following Dinner. For those so-inclined, it is a great night out for camaraderie while helping many others!

Field of Honor – this annual project brings together leaders and donors from our three Communities and beyond, who help us plan and install the Field for three weeks between Memorial Day and Flag Day. Veterans, Active Military, First Responders, Great Mentors, Teachers or Coaches, plus Parents and Grandparents are all honored and remembered by dedicating a Flag to be flown on the Field. Multiple levels of Sponsorship are possible. Exchange promises to share the proceeds of the Field with Veterans Aid organizations, Homeless Aid programs, Scouts and other Service and Charitable projects. At the end of the display period, our Closing Ceremonies are attended by many who have Dedicated Flags and Community Leaders, some of whom help us read aloud the hundreds of Dedications, amidst music and inspirations, both Religious and Patriotic.